Friday, August 31, 2012

Googled: Cat Carriers

Ok, so you have tips for how to take your cat on trips. Go. 
Cat carriers. yep, makes sense. 
Uh huh, exercise. 
Familiar smells, ye--- WHATTHEFUCKISTHAT?!? 
So, you said "cat," but what you meant was "weird alien furry thing that's apparently into photo journalism."

I Googled "CAT carrier," right?

I know this one! This is from one of my favorite movies growing up: The Cat From Outer Space. 

No? ...a cat carrier you say? Okay, but I think they should worry about copyright infringement.


Here we go. Economical, practical. 

Only problem with this is that it's Busch. Get some self respect and at least drink Miller.

What Is This Crap?

I randomly decided to start a blog to document those Google searches you do that take you off on weird tangents, or give you really bizarre results.

 You don't like it? Don't read it. You like it? Let me know!